Ukraine: Nightingale and Mockingbird

Nazis Made in USAI have written 150 articles on my German blog and did not have the time to write much on this site thinking that there are already a billion English bloggers  so who is going to read one more?

But the events in Ukraine are so important to the course of history (they might lead to WW III) and our understanding of Eurasian geopolitics that I have decided to post this article. Especially the Neo-Nazi massacre in Odessa which the German media has  ignored is a good reason to share my thoughts and the information I have gathered in the last months also with an English speaking audience.

The following essay was originally not written as a blog-post but as a series of replies to articles by Robert Parry (on Ukraine) who is an excellent journalist of the highest integrity. So debating some of his arguments or commenting on his perspective is a welcome change from the rubbish our mainstream “churnalists” turn out every day.

Yes, the government in Kiev is a fascist government and yes, there are Neo-Nazi storm / shock troops who have spread fear and terror since the Putsch “government” was installed in Kiev. So when Putin is referring to these facts it has nothing to do with “Russian propaganda to destablize Ukraine”.

US and British support for old and New Nazis goes back to the 1920s and many books have been written about that but I start here with 1945.  I was taught in school that “America” saved us from fascism but I know now that this was just another Big Lie .. Read on to understand why …


The trade union building Odessa was not engulfed in flames as many media reports suggested

Robert, you write important articles about Ukraine but regarding the “fire victims” storyline you are misinformed. Most of the people in the labour union building in Odessa DID NOT DIE as a RESULT of the FIRE. The fire served only to DISTRACT ATTENTION from what was really going on inside: a Massacre in the style of a Nazi-Pogrom:

Isn’t it remarkable, that on the same day, May 2 in 1933 Hitler’s private armies, the SA and SS stormed labour union buildings all over Germany and deported the unionists to concentration camps? (some of them were tortured and killed). Given the knowledge I have gathered about the historical roots of the “ultra-nationalist” parties in Ukraine (codeword for Neo-Nazi) I find it extremely unlikely that the events in Odessa were happening on the same day in May just as a coincidence …

(WARNING: the following links contain graphic material of murder victims in Odessa)

Photos of the victims in Odessa show that the people were strangled with cables, shot in the head, or beaten to death. Their bodies were then dosed with an inflammable substance to hide the real cause of death. As some corpses clearly show because they are only partially burned (sometimes only the head and shoulders) while the rest of the body (including the clothes) are almost untouched.

You are also (unintentionally, I am sure) misleading the readers when you mention how under Reagan close ties were formed with Neo-Nazi groups in Latin America including the funding and training of “death-squads” against the rebellious poor. While this is certainly true, US-support for old and new Nazis goes back much further.

mykola-lebedIn 1945 tens of thousands of Nazi war criminals were brought to the US under the guise of the status as “displaced persons”. One of them, Mykola Lebed (see photo on the left) had been the head of the Ukrainian Gestapo “SB” (fused with a paramilitary group named UPA, which committed unspeakable atrocities against Poles in Volnya (100,000 victims) and also against the Jewish population.

The immigration authorities tried to block this because Lebed had been sentenced for planning the murder of the Polish Interior Minister in 1934 but the CIA and the DOJ intervened several times to ensure that this Nazi war-criminal (CIC files describe him as “known sadist and Nazi-collaborator) could not only enter the US but became a US citizen in no time.

Dulles letter LebedAllen Dulles personally wrote a letter to the DOJ to stress how important this man was for the CIA and that it must be guaranteed that his movements in and out of the US would not attract media spotlight to avoid drawing attention on the “operations” he was involved in.

When blood is up to the knee then the Ukraine will be free

(battle-chant of the “Banderas”, UPA members)

The US government not only protected these war criminals and Nazis for decades against prosecution but also supported a propaganda network to whitewash their crimes during the war. In return these people were (not only) employed to demonize the role of the Soviet Union (during and after the war) which – in reality – had saved Europe and the Ukraine from the evil reign of the Nazis (with 27 million “Russians” left dead).

The CIA used these criminals to “keep the flame of nationalism alive” (in the Baltics and especially in Ukraine).

Americas_Nazi_SecretSee also the book America’s Nazi Secret by John Loftus (fmr. “renegade” attorney for the DOJ; interviews with Loftus are also available on YouTube)

and Russ Bellant for the entanglement of the Republican Party with the old and new Nazis from the Baltic States and Ukraine.

It is now clear to me that the evil seed of Nazism, sown by the Anglo-American power elites after WWI (to set Germany and Russia against each other as in divide et impera) and never weeded out after WWII but instead “used” for Cold War purposes has now come into full bloom again … the UPA in Ukraine is back … another “indigenous monster” created by the puppet masters for their own geo-political games (like “Gladio” in Europe or Al Qaeda in the Caucasus, the ME and now Africa…)

God help us against these crazy, self-righteous bastards who run the “foreign policy” of the only “superpower” on this planet, and my sincerest apologies to the Russians for the treatment their president gets in our (German and English speaking) despicable media.

(Pt. II reply to an earlier article about what “Obama can do to save Ukraine” with some new material added)


“It never happened. Nothing ever happened. Even while it was happening it wasn’t happening. It didn’t matter. It was of no interest. The crimes of the United States have been systematic, constant, vicious, remorseless, but very few people have actually talked about them. You have to hand it to America. It has exercised a quite clinical manipulation of power worldwide while masquerading as a force for universal good. It’s a brilliant, even witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”

Source: Harold Pinter Nobel Prize Lecture “Art, Truth and Politics” , 2005 (second half of the text beginning with “Political language …)

feeling us values(Pinter’s analysis is in my opinion the masterkey to understanding how  the US is controlling the fawning media in Europe and the US who are admiring the Naked Emperor while ignoring his crimes …)

Back to Ukraine and Robert Parry:

These people [the foreign policy establishment] are not able to “recognize the complex reality of Ukraine” because they live in a fantasy world where their support for a gargantuan, aggressive military-industrial-intelligence-machine of endless war and destruction needs to be justified by the existence of a “Manichean devil”. These devils have been created with massive financial assistance from Wall Street (which includes London bankers) since 1900 first with the Bolsheviks, then Hitler and the NSDAP as the most prominent examples.

After 1945 the Bolsheviks morphed in no time from former allies into the “Evil Empire” of the Soviet Union which served for 45 years as the psychological projection screen for capitalism’s own systemic crimes against humanity.

So all the massacres, subversions, overthrows of elected governments, economic, psychological, political and “kinetic” warfare – in other words the enormous suffering brought on millions of people – could be justified as “necessary defense against a threat to our liberty”.

(On the self-indoctrination of  the “national security managers” during the Cold War see the brilliant book IDEAL  ILLUSIONS by James Peck)

With the demise of the SU the “devil” had apparently disappeared so on “9/11” they created a new one:Terrorism”.

It had to be “Islamic” terrorism to have a pretext for invading, plundering and destroying the few countries with energy resources in the Middle East, which still cling to the absurd notion that they have a right of self-determination in economic and political affairs AND have the audacity to expose Israel as a Rogue State with WMDs.


Ring_Around_Russia-smNow as the (ZB™) foreign policy “pivot” has shifted towards Asia, “Eurasia” has (once again) become the focal point for “intervention” of all sorts. Russia has been surrounded with NATO bases and Orwellian “missile shields”. Most governments of the Baltic States and the former SU in Eastern Europe are now US “clients”. Russia was looted by Western companies and Eastern oligarchs when the corrupt drunkard Yeltsin was in power. When he brought out the tanks against his own parliament (which tried to stop the looting) the West said nothing and Wall Street applauded.

The corrupt but democratically elected Yanukovich tried to establish Ukraine as a neutral (non-aligned) power between Russia and US / NATOstan (formerly known as Europe) and realizing, that a “co-operation treaty” with the EU would ruin the (already weak) country, he opted for economic cooperation with Russia.

Then the CIA-controlled (Gladio style) Neo-Nazi hordes were let loose on the “Maidan” (in addition to the – carefully prepared and executed – ongoing civil society subversion with NGOs operating under the guise of “democracy promotion” à la Gene Sharp / the Albert Einstein Institute (front) and others) to get rid of Yanukovich. This was presented to the world as a “democratic revolution”.


Oleh Tyanybok leader of the “Svoboda” party (original name: Social nationalist party of Ukraine

The new, handpicked Brown-Shirt government (which includes Neo-liberals and Neo-Nazis, two sides of the same coin) – with a neoliberal banker as president – has difficulties to hide the fanatic, racist “nationalism” of its foot-soldiers and ideologues who want an “ethnically-pure” Ukraine and were brainwashed to hate everything “Russian”.

Like the Pavlovian dogs, they salivate every time they hear (or say) the derogatory term for Russians: “Moskal’s” and direct their irrational hatred on the imagined Triplet-enemy: Russian-Jew-Communist (this is exactly what Hitler also did to incite ethnic hatred for political purposes)


Robert, have you realized that these crazies who are in charge of “foreign policy” HAVE TO “exclude the nasty reality of what has actually occurred (not just] in Ukraine” in order to keep up the fantasy that they are the good guys representing a “good” country which stands for democracy and freedom …? You really cannot discuss the motives of US “foreign policy” without the help of a psychiatrist ….

So of course neither Obama nor anyone else of these psychopaths would ever “admit” (neither to themselves nor to the public) what they are actually doing: committing unspeakable crimes and violating every rule of human decency that was ever invented.

warispeaceThey don’t want to “bring this crisis under control” …they CREATED it … they need wars and conflicts of all sorts because it gives them the feeling of power and the “Neo-Con” (more “con” than “neo”) disciples of Leo Strauss and Nietzsche regard WAR as the ultimate – and even noble – expression of political power, of the “right of the superior” to subjugate and destroy “the inferior”.

(And please do not use the word “conspiracy theory” when you mean “pretext” … it is a stigma-word to immunize oneself against valid arguments by denigrating the persons who use these arguments … and is really aimed at the audience  … but in this case there are no “valid” arguments as you perfectly know …)

Putin has to become the new “devil” since he is the only one available and strong enough for this role in the Great Game” of getting Eurasia (energy-wise) under control AND because he has started to subvert the dollar-hegemony (huge gas /trade deals with China to be paid in their own respective currencies) … AND there is a project of the BRICS countries to create their own “development bank” in order to evade the tyranny of the US-led IMF banking cartel.

CHARACTER ASSASSINATION or Attack is the Best Defense

Of course, students of the (real history) of American foreign policy know that US elites have no credibility whatsoever and their moral posture lecturing other leaders about democracy and freedom is utterly ridiculous and hypocritical. But you can seemingly elevate you own moral status by denigrating your opponent with a massive “strategic information” campaign in order to demonize this person in the eyes  of the public.

Putin smilingSo they are going to destroy Putin’s credibility so that no matter what he says or what he does, the audience must be conditioned to shudder at the mere mention of his name, or when they hear the adjective “pro-Russian” framed in the context of aggression and violence (parotted in the news in Germany 24/7) .

Your are right, Putin wants to be respected as a statesman and he wants even more respect for Russia which he brought back from the brink of ruin to a major player in world affairs – but no empire.

27 Million “Russians” died in WWII, the soldiers among them had defeated 90% of the German Wehrmacht divisions at the horrible Eastern Front while we were taught in history lessons that “America” has saved us from fascism. What a cruel joke.

Hitlers ShadowIt was “America” (as the new version of the British Empire) that protected the worst Nazi criminals from prosecution and used them to build their “Intelligence” agencies and new networks of subversion and terror in Latin America and in Europe. (The “American people” had of course no say in the matter …)

So Putin is right, when “he has come to view the U.S. government and the EU as sources of endless double standards and double talk, places without honour” – that’s what they are … predatory finance and capitalism have no “honour” .. it does not pay …

You mentioned JFK’s American university address: (with this speech his signed his death warrant) There is one simple sentence in it which I find extremely important:

“I also believe that we must re-examine our own attitude – as individuals and as a Nation- for our attitude is as essential as theirs.”

Self-reflection is a normal and necessary thing for grown-up, intelligent people but can anyone imagine a member of the US power establishment saying these words today in public? No way.

Robert, in your article you are finally wondering “whether Obama can pick up Kennedy’s torch of peaceful understanding” and see the world through the eyes of the other side, etc.

These people live in another moral universe than the rest of us … in it there is no place “for peaceful understanding” only dominance for the “chosen” ones and subservience for the others.

The US Empire is built on massive self-deception and a moralizing, crusading ethos to legitimate the crimes of aggression against the rest of the world.

As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, self-honesty is the basis for moral actions toward others … “and as the day follows the night, thou canst not then be false to any other man” (if I remember the words correctly).

“Talks” about one or the other crisis are meaningless when the only superpower is utterly dishonest … I really feel sorry for Sergei Lavrov who has to sit at the “negotiating table” with these double-dealing hypocrites …

William Blum puts it in a nutshell:

(Dear children), US foreign policy does not mean well …  But when will the “churnalists” get that?


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